December 20, 2010

The 16 Angrymen

ISTJ - Trustee - Planner Inspector - "doing what should be done"

ISFJ - Conservator - Protector Supporter - "a high sense of duty"

INFJ - Author - Foreseer Developer - "an inspiration to others"

INTJ - Scientist - Conceptualizer Director - "everything has room for improvement"

ISTP - Artisan - Analyzer Operator - "ready to try anything once"

ISFP - Artist - Composer Producer - "sees much but shares little"

INFP - Questor - Harmonizer Clarifier - "performing noble service to aid society"

INTP - Architect - Designer Theoriser - "a love of problem-solving"

ESTP - Promoter - Promoter Executor - "the ultimate realists"

ESFP - Entertainer - Motivator Presenter - "you only go around once in life"

ENFP - Journalist - Discoverer Advocate - "giving life an extra squeeze"

ENTP - Inventor - Explorer Inventor - "one exciting challenge after another"

ESTJ - Administrator - Implementor Supervisor - "life’s administrators"

ESFJ - Seller - Facilitator Caretaker - "hosts and hostesses of the world"

ENFJ - Pedagogue - Envisioner Mentor - "smooth-talking persuaders"

ENTJ - Fieldmarshall - Strategist Mobilizer - "Life’s natural leaders"

Personal Notes:
1. I'm noble... hahahha

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